Mission statement
Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together Secondary School is committed to an inclusive student-centred educational experience based on collaboration, cooperation and creation. We strive to create a community of academic excellence which is welcoming, democratic, diverse and safe. Our vision is for students to become independent lifelong learners who reach their full potential and become active members of society. In MPETSS we work to develop empathy and an understanding of difference in our ever-changing world.
At its heart, MPETSS has a vision as a creative hub of learning & teaching where teachers are facilitators and students learn through trial and error. No set-back is a failure, rather an opportunity to review, regroup and try again. We aim to equip students with skills of the 21st century which can be used to adapt and flourish in order to give them the best opportunity for their unique success.
Malahide-Portmarnock Educate Together Secondary School opened it’s doors to our new first year students on 27th August 2018. Now, in 2019, we have both second and first year class groups.
Along with a balanced Academic curriculum we are also involved in different projects and programmes as we grow.
We are to partner with Bridge21 from Trinity College in the areas of Teaching and Learning. We will work through the Practice of Restorative Justice in our school as part of our Code of Behaviour.
The school aims to be an Arts-rich school working in partnership with the Gaiety School of Acting on a project around Inclusiveness and Empathy using Drama, Storytelling and Costume design.
Through funding from Digital Excellence for schools, we are to develop Technology and Digital Innovation through a cluster we have formed with three other schools. In this STEM space, we will establish Maker Spaces, Cross curricular Teaching and Learning, Inter-schools collaboration, a shared learning platform and possible showcases. Our plan is to develop ‘Student Digital Leaders’.
We are partnering with ‘Localise’ a Community Volunteering organisation who develop and run programmes around volunteering and ‘giving back to the community’.
Sport will form an important part of our Wellbeing curriculum and we are in the happy position to be able to have access to the Liam Rogers Community Centre next door to the school to use their Sports hall and dance studio for our activities.
Through all of these initiatives, the student is at the heart of the planning, Learning and Teaching. There will be emphasis on Wellbeing, development of skills, Inclusion and Equality, Gender balance, Respect and Democracy.
We look forward to our new journey together with Students, Parents, Teachers, Staff, Board of Management and the Community.