Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together Secondary School



Well-being is paramount at MPETSS. We support our students in a holistic way through well-being, personal and academic development. Four mornings a week, we hold tutor ‘Check-In Time’ when students can share how they are feel they are doing personally, with their work in school and general observations on what may be affecting them. This is an opportunity to talk and listen to one another and recognise that at different times we all may need support.

PE is held for two hours a week and classes involve lots of active learning, promoting team-work, Collaboration & confidence.


All of our staff are trained in Restorative Practice which helps to support relationships and to proivde us with tools and to manage conflict. We aim to create ‘Relationship Keepers’ students who will help and support other new students as they join our school & help create positive, emotionally-balanced relationships with peers.


Rainbows is a free, voluntary service for children and young people experiencing loss following bereavement and parental separation. The Rainbows service is an inclusive service, supporting children and young people experiencing grief and loss resulting from bereavement/parental separation/parental relationship breakdown /divorce. We have several staff trained in this programme and aim offer it to our students should numbers permit. Attending the programme provides children with an opportunity to meet with other children of a similar age and loss experience, at a minimum of 3 months after the loss.
It does not provide an individual one to one support service and does not provide counselling or a therapeutic level of intervention but it can help s
upport a child to engage with their own individual grief– to identify, name, understand, express and share their feelings. It can:
· Provide a safe setting to tell and retell feelings and thoughts with trained listeners
· Support children to have a shared experience and identification with others’ feelings… “I’m not the only one”
· Acknowledge a child’s grief and loss
· Support a child’s self-esteem, trust, confidence and resilience
· Support emotional growth and a pathway to positive mental health
· Provide a model of coping and support

Jan 16
2nd year Parent Teacher Meeting
Feb 03
Bank Holiday
Feb 17
Mid-term Break
Mar 17
National Holiday
Swords Enterprise Centre, Feltrim Road, Drinan, Swords.
01 963 1299
© 2025 Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together Secondary School